Functional Coating Agents

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Functional Coating Agents

Product list

Moisture-Proofness・Water Resistant Emulsions

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Product name Non-volatile
pH Mean particle size
Acid value
(theoretical value)
Tg (℃)
(theoretical value)
XP8812 41.0 500 9.0 50 61 -9 <5 Moisture-proofness, Water resistance
XP8829 48.0 600 8.5 100 57 -8 <5 Moisture-proofness, Water resistance, Application limited 176.170 Confirm, 176.180 Confirm.

(*) minimum film forming temperature

Effect of XP – Moisture proofness

Effect of XP - Moisture proofness
Water/Grease-proof Emulsions【Developed Products】

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Product name Non-volatile
pH Mean particle size
Acid value
(theoretical value)
Tg (℃)
(theoretical value)
NE-2260 49.0 600 8.0 90 53 -10 <5 Application limited 176.180 Confirm, 176.170 Confirm
PE-2273 40.0 800 8.0 100 38 -11 <5 FDA176.170, 176.180 Confirm, Heat-sealing

(*) minimum film forming temperature

Vinylchloride/Acrylic Emulsions【Developed Products】

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Product name Non-volatile
pH Mean particle size
Acid value
(theoretical value)
Tg (℃)
(theoretical value)
Characteristics Remarks PVC content
BE-7500 30.0 400 8.0 65 45 38 <5 Pigment dispersion, Rub resistance 50%
BE-7650 30.0 150 8.0 30 31 53 <5 Rub resistance 65%
BE-7502 30.0 200 8.0 80 45 15 <5 Adhesion to substrates 40%
BE-7503 30.0 50以下 8.0 50 50 56 <5 Alcohol resistance 50%

(*) minimum film forming temperature

  • Vinylchloride/Acrylic Emulsions are that Products of joint development with Nissin Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd
Biomass Emulsions【Developed Products】

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Product name Non-volatile
pH Mean particle size
Acid value
(theoretical value)
Biomass MFT
Characteristics Biomass content
PE-2027 45.0 960 8.2 200 5 Starch <5 Solvent resistance 50%
PE-2189 45.0 600 8.3 100 155 Rosin <5 Wet rub resistance, High gloss 50%
NE-2309 40.0 800 8.5 60 51 Fatty acid <5 Adhesive PET/PP/PS film 20%

(*) minimum film forming temperature

  • Core-shell emulsion containing biomass material.
  • Low environmental load products containing plant-derived biomass raw materials